How To Win On Roulette Machines

A court has considered the case of two gamblers who earned 14.000 pounds in merely two bets. They cunningly cheated their way to win roulette and simply walked out of the casino. What the pair did is incredibly simple: they took the lid of the automatic roulette machine and put the ball where they wanted it to go to win.

If you win, you will have $1,200, and you can happily stop playing. If you start with $100 and want to end up with at least $3,000, you should make a single $100 bet on a random roulette number. If you win you will have $3,600, turning your goal into a reality. Before each round, simply place your wager in chips on the Roulette table, and watch the croupier spin the wheel with the Roulette ball in motion in the opposite direction. Eventually, the ball will slow down and land in a numbered pocket. If the wager you made matches the ball’s final destination, congratulations you are a winner! Win at Roulette faster, smarter, and with super-precise betting using this roulette strategy! Casino gambling strategy have never been so easy. If you are the kind of person who could use a little extra cash, then fox triple hit is definately for you. Ways to beat betting terminals that offer roulette slowly grew in demand. This gave way to roulette cheats that specially address beating the game of chance in bookies. As a result, most cheats that teach modern players how to win on roulette machines in bookies are by now, illegal.

Casino employees spotted Ali Baglan, 31, en Hasan Gilgil, 30, both from Gloucester, on the CCTV.The public prosecutor, Caighli Talyor, said that on the 18th of January, a quarter to 10, GIgil placed a bet of 38 pound on number 3 of the roulette wheel and won 1.368 pound. At the same time, Baglan won 13.000 by putting 650 pound on the same number. Three minutes later, Gigil won 1.800 pound by betting 380 pound on number 29, whilst Baglan put 40 pound on the same number and therefore won 270 pound.

What was the tric to win?

When the employees checked the CCTV a while later, they saw Gigil taken the glass lid of the roulette machine and when the ball almost stopped rolling, putting it on the number of their choice. The two men have been convicted to 16 months of jail after they confessed to theft at the Casino. In all, they scooped up almost 14.000 pound. This money remains to be found.


The pair was found using the fingerprints they left on the gambling machine and using their Casino membership details.
Steve Young argues that Baglan should be considerd for mitigating circumstances: he came to the UK from Turkey in 2003, and has three young children. In addition to these three dependents, Baglan also runs a takeaway restaurant in Gloucester with three employees. Both defendants were in the habit of gambling. Mr Young adds that, “On the day of the crime, Gigil called Mr. Baglan to tell him that he was at the casino and that he had found a way to make a lot of money. It was incredible how easy this crime could be committed.” The roulette machines are not even supervised. Mr. Gigil could simply lift the lid, pick up the ball, and put it on the number of their choice. “It was a ridiculously easy and profiteering way to make a lot of money without being watched by anyone.” “Nobody was looking at the CCTV when the money that Gigil and Baglan won was cashed out. Of course the Casino cannot be held responsible for the behaviour of the two men, but it did allow them to leave them with an incredible amount of money, due to the remarkable absence of control and supervision.”

You can see this is not the way to win, you could better use the cold and warm numbers to play for the best result.


According to the judge supervising the court case, Michael Vere-Hodge, this was a “joint effort. Both men had a role to plan in the undertaking. Only thanks to a large amount of planning and guile were they able to take advantage of an oversight in the security of the casino, and thereby earn a lot of money. Suspending the punishment would not do justice to the serious nature of this cunning crime.”

Knowing how to win roulette machines does not differ from knowing how to win roulette online or offline. If anything, playing roulette on a machine is more difficult to undertake. With a dealer, your odds of winning are higher. You can use any strategy and it just might have a chance of working.

How To Win On Roulette Machines Real Money

With online and machine roulette, it is tricky to follow the movement of the ball, wheel, and the dealer. Some veteran players of the game and casino experts discourage against playing roulette on a machine. Other people hold onto the notion that the machines might be rigged. Despite that probability, people still go to roulette machines to play. You do not have to gamble without a plan, here is how you can play it smartly.

Lower Your Expectations


To get the better out of a roulette machine, expect to win, but not that much. Keep in mind that the computer only pays out 70 per cent of what goes in. The computers also share a connection that covers many gaming areas. Many people on these machines play roulette regularly, which means ample competition. When you win, other people lose and when you lose, you join the many unsuccessful others while a few strike it rich. Do not worry since it is not that big of a win most times and everyone’s luck evens out in the end.

Steer Clear of Roulette Systems

Roulette systems on sale are not really worth spending money on since no system can beat the house edge. Then again, it depends on the type of roulette system you want. If you are okay with buying a system that does not work 80% of the time then you can choose from the many available on eBay.

How To Win On Roulette Machines In Casino


How To Win On Coral Roulette Machines

Most of the systems on how to win roulette machines involve a trigger number. Placing your bet on a trigger number and losing, then brings you to progressive betting. When you lose, you double the bet. When you win, you go back to betting on even chances until the trigger number appears again. It sounds somewhat like the Martingale, which you can learn free of charge.

Set A Limit

Since roulette is a game of chance, you cannot really control your luck and the randomness of the machine. What you can control, however, is how much you will lose. When you win big, it can take you by surprise. If you lose then it does not matter since you know it is bound to happen anyway. At least, you won’t be as disappointed when you place high hopes on roulette systems.

How To Win On Roulette Machines Free

Don’t Bump the Machine

How To Win On Roulette Machines Free Play

You can bump the machine, but then that would be illegal. Instead of learning how to win roulette machines, you are just crossing off ways on what not to do. In the end, the game calls for the right attitude so you will be able to have realistic expectations while playing. You may study and apply all the strategies available, but never pay for one. Just set a limit and know when to cut your losses. Playing roulette online, on machines, or with a live dealer does not need a complicated system of betting. It just needs street smarts.

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