Best Poker Hands In Descending Order

  1. Best Poker Hands In Descending Order Numbers
  2. Best Poker Hands In Descending Order Calculator
  3. Best Poker Hands In Descending Order Worksheet
  4. Best Poker Hands In Descending Order Meaning

Number of Players: 2 - 6
Type of Dominoes Used:CARDominoes
Type of Game: Card Game
Requirements: One set of CARDominoes without Jokers

Winning Hand Combinations: (Ranked as best to least in descending order): Royal Straight Flush: a hand containing 10, J, Q, K, and A of the same suite; Straight Flush: any five tiles of the same suite in sequential order; Four-of-a-kind: a hand containing four tiles of the same rank; Full House: a hand containing three-of-a-kind and a pair.

. For players with multiple hands, you must indicate which hand each card is for at final check-in at Admissions & Judging Tent. The best poker hand wins, in descending order. There are no jokers or wild cards. See page 3 for standard poker hand ranking. Examples of poker hand categories in descending order There are two ways teen patti is played. One is by using a standard 52-card deck and another is by adding the two Joker cards, which are used as wild cards. Deuce to Seven The hands rank in almost the same order as in standard poker, with straights and flushes counting and the lowest hand wins. The difference from normal poker is that Aces are always high, so that A-2-3-4-5 is not a straight, but ranks between K-Q-J-10-8 and A-6-4-3-2. It's really easy to play the best hand. The difference between how much the best and worst players in the world make with the nuts is almost negligible. The real difference between the best players and everyone else is their ability to lose the least - by knowing when to fold losing hands. Regardless of how long waited for a decent starting.

Winning Hand Combinations: (Ranked as best to least in descending order):

  1. Royal Straight Flush: a hand containing 10, J, Q, K, and A of the same suite
  2. Straight Flush: any five tiles of the same suite in sequential order
  3. Four-of-a-kind: a hand containing four tiles of the same rank
  4. Full House: a hand containing three-of-a-kind and a pair
  5. Flush: a hand consisting of five tiles of matching suit
  6. Straight: any five tiles in sequential order (not necessarily of the same suit)
  7. Three-of-a-kind: a hand containing three tiles of the same rank
  8. Two Pair: a hand containing two pairs
  9. One Pair: a hand containing two rank matching tiles
  10. High Card: if no player retains a winning hand (1 through 9), the winner is determined by the player with the single highest ranked card.

Basic Instructions: The CARDomino tiles are placed face down and generously shuffled. Each player chooses five tiles from the stockpile as their hand. Each player examines his hand with the 'winning hand combinations' in mind. The first round of betting begins as described in the betting section below. Each player then is allowed a single round of discarding and exchanging of tiles from their hand for tiles from the stockpile. For each tile discarded, a tile is chosen from the stockpile as a replacement. A player may discard and exchange up to three of his CARDominoes, unless the player holds an Ace, in which case the player declares the Ace to the other players, and then may discard and exchange four tiles. The discarded tiles are not placed back into the original stockpile, but into a separate pile at a distance. After final round of betting, all players that have not folded reveal their hands. The winner is the player with the highest ranked winning hand combination as shown above. If two players are tied with hands of the same winning combinations, the player with the higher ranked tiles is declared the winner.

Betting: At the beginning of the game, each player is dealt a given amount of chips. Before a 'hand' or round begins, all players who wish to participate in the round must place an initial stake or ante into the 'pot,' the amount of which is agreed upon beforehand. The 'pot' is the collection of chips that are bet during a hand, and is usually located in the middle of the table. The winner of a hand collects the entire pot. Betting begins with the player to the left of the dealer (the player that shuffled the tiles) and proceeds in a clockwise order. Any player that wishes to bet and raise the stakes (if chances of winning are good) may place as many additional chips that he would like to bet into the pot. Players may choose to remain in the game by matching the bet or raising it higher, and players may choose to 'fold,' forfeiting their hand and their stake/ante in this round. Betting continues until all players call. A 'call' means that a player matches the bets with his own bet and is staying in the game at that level. Betting proceeds around the table in this manner:

  1. Players who have folded are out for the round and do not participate;
  2. Every player that does not fold must either match the total bet or raise the bet;
  3. Players who have 'called' must either match subsequent raises or must fold. A player that has 'called' cannot raise the bet;
  4. While at least two players are still in the round and have not 'called' any of those players may raise the bet;
  5. If one person raises the bet and all others call or fold, that person cannot raise his own bet again.

Wild Tiles: A simple variation may be played to draw poker with the addition of wild tiles. The jokers are commonly used as wild tiles. Otherwise, a certain rank may be designated as wild {i.e. Aces wild or deuces wild). Wild tiles may be used as a tile of any rank and any suit as the player sees fit to better his hand.

The basics

-Number of players: any (ideally between five and seven)

-Playing time: as desired

-Cards: standard pack; no jokers, although occasionally a joker may be included as a wild card.

-Ranking: Ace high (but low if desired) down to deuce (low). Suits are equal.

-Deal: the game to be played is agreed and players contribute one chip each (or as required) to the ante. A common arrangement is “Dealer’s Choice”; that is, the dealer announces the game to be played for that hand, explaining it if necessary. Cards are dealt singly in rotation starting with Eldest; the number of cards dealt to each player, and whether they are dealt face up or face down, is determined by the game chosen. The deal rotates with each hand.


Poker, commonly and rightly associated with Mississippi steamboats and Wild West saloons, did not assume its present form until about a century ago. It is essentially a gambling game and has little purpose if played without stakes.

Poker is really a “game system” rather than a game, for there are innumerable different variants. At the core of them all, however is an immutable hierarchy of five-card combinations. A feature of Poker is that there is no play as such – yet it is one of the most skilful of card games and is universally popular.

Object of the game

To assemble the best hand or to bluff other players into believing you hold it.


All players should be clear on the betting system and the rules of the game being played.

There are two standard games, Draw and Stud.

Draw Poker

Five cards are dealt singly to each player face down. Players examine their cards. From this stage on, any player may fold (throw in their cards face down and withdraw from the game) at any time.

Now, proceeding clockwise, the players bet in turn, placing their chip(s) into the kitty. Any player may check – that is, elect to stay in the game without betting – provided no previous player has bet. Any player may raise a bet by up to the agreed limit; all players who want to stay in the game must do likewise.

When all players have either matched the maximum bet or folded, those still in the game may exchange any or all of their cards. Starting with Eldest, unwanted cards are returned to the dealer who places them unseen beneath the pack and deals the player a corresponding number in exchange.

The dealer also exchanges cards in the same manner but must announce how many. When the players have in turn, folded, exchanged cards or elected not to exchange, another round of bidding takes place. Bidding continues in a clockwise direction until all players have either matched the highest bid (the bid may have been raised several times) or have folded – i.e. the turn comes back to the highest bidder who may not bid again.

Those still in the game now compare hands, and the player with the best hand takes the kitty. If no player matches the highest bid, the bidder takes the kitty without revealing his or her hand.

Stud Poker

One card is dealt face down to each player, followed by one card face up. Players examine their hole (face down) cards.

The player with the highest exposed card opens the betting (if there is a tie the first player clockwise from the dealer begins). This terminates on reaching the player who last raised the stake (or the first better if there was no raise).

A third card is now dealt to each player face up, followed by another round of betting. This is repeated twice more before hole cards are revealed and the hands compared. A player may fold at any time.

Poker – Ranking of hands (in descending order of value)

Royal flush (A, K, Q, J, 10 of the same suit)
Straight flush (five cards of the same suit in sequence)
Four-of-a-kind (four cards of the same rank plus one unmatched card)
Full house (three of a kind and two of a kind)
Flush (five cards of the same suit)
Straight (five cards of mixed suits in sequence)
Three-of-a-kind (three cards of same rank plus two unmatched cards)
Two pairs (two cards each of two ranks plus one unmatched card)
Pair (two cards of same rank plus three unmatched cards)
Any hand of five cards not yielding one of the above combinations

*If a joker (wild card) is in use the highest hand is five Aces.

Where combinations are equal, the hand with the higher or highest combination wins (three-of-a-kind in the case of a full house). Where equal, or if the hands are of unmatched cards, the highest card wins; if again equal, the next higher cards are compared; and so on.

How to win

The essence of a good Poker is to vary your strategy; in particular, do not bluff too often.

Watch carefully the number of cards drawn by each of your opponents, and for any reaction when they examine their new cards. Remain inscrutable yourself! If a player draws one card it may be to a full house, but is more likely to be to a flush or straight. Failing a lucky draw, then the hands will probably be worthless. Two cards may be a draw to three-of-a-kind, but drawing two cards when holding a pair is a common bluff. If three cards are drawn the player almost certainly holds a pair.

Depending on how many are playing, it may well be worth holding on with a middle-ranking pair; but throw in with anything less if the other players are bidding.

Weigh the odds carefully: a good player usually knows when to stay in and when to get out.

An example of a hand of Draw Poker

Best Poker Hands In Descending Order Numbers

A, B, C, D, and E (dealer) play. The ante is one chip from each player and the maximum bet 10 chips.

Deal (see picture below)

Betting (i)

-A throws in.

-B bets 1.

-C bets 1.


-D bets 1 and raises 5.

-E bets 6 (1+5)

-B throws in.

-C bets 5.


C exchanges three, wisely keeping the pair of 10s rather than discarding one for the outside chance of drawing a 7.

D sits pat. This is an attempt to bluff the others into thinking that D has a straight, a flush or a full house.

E exchanges the Ace in the hope of obtaining a flush.


New hands (see picture below)

Betting (ii)

-C bets 2

-D bets 2 and raises 10

Best Poker Hands In Descending Order Calculator

-E throws in.

-C bets 10 “to see”

-D shows hand, then C shows and takes pool (48 chips).

An example of a hand of Stud Poker

A, B, C, D and E (dealer) play. The ante is one chip from each player and the maximum bet 10 chips. All chips are paid into the pool.

Deal (face down) (see picture below)

Deal (face up) (see picture below)

Betting (i)

– B bets 2 (Best exposed hand starts bidding)

– C bets 2.

– D bets 2.

– E bets 2.

– A bets 2. (A does not raise since a pair of fours is not likely to win.)

Deal (face up) (see picture below)

Betting (ii)

-E bets 1. (It would be too optimistic for E to be thinking of a flush at this stage.)

-A bets 1.

-B bets 2.

-C bets 2.

-D bets 2.

-E bets 1.

-A bets 1.

Deal (face up) (see picture below)

Betting (iii)

-A bets 3 (no one can have better than a pair, but A does not bid the maximum so as not to scare off the other players).

Best Poker Hands In Descending Order

-B folds.

-C bets 3 (there is an outside chance of a straight).

-D bets 3 (hoping to pair, beating A’s visible pair).

-E bets 3 (banking on a flush; a chancy bet, but only one other heart is showing and a flush will be unbeatable unless A gets a full hour or, most improbably, four 4s).

Deal (face up) (see picture below)

Betting (IV)

– C bets 2 (it could be the best hand).

– D bets 7 (bluffing on holding a high pair).

– E bets 17 (the flush is unbeatable: E hopes the others will think it’s a bluff and come in).

– A bets 27 (A doesn’t believe in E’s flush)

– C folds

– D folds

Best Poker Hands In Descending Order Worksheet

– E bets 20 (i.e. A’s raise plus a raise of 10).

– A bets 10 (sees).

– E collects a handsome 120 chips.


Popular poker games include Jackpot, Spit-in-the-Ocean and High-Low. In Jackpot, it is necessary to have a pair of Jacks or better to open the bidding. There is no restriction on the other players. If all pass, the players ante again and the deal changes. A player who bids first and then drops out is obliged to show the openers (the cards on which the bid was made).

In Spit-in-the-Ocean a nominated player calls out “Spit” during the deal. The dealer turns the next card over and resumes the deal until each player has four cards. The exposed card, which is wild (as are the other three cards of the same rank), forms part of the hand of all the players.

In many games, players are dealt more than five cards, usually some face up and the rest face down, and each player selects the best five-card hand from them. This is the case in High-Low, in which the players with the highest and the lowest hands share the pot. It is possible for one player to win both hands.

Best Poker Hands In Descending Order Meaning

Related External Links

There is a useful five card draw poker guide on the pagat website.

Play online poker at 888 poker today!